About Wes Virdell

Meet Wes Virdell
For Texas HD53
Wes is endorsed by President Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Chip Roy, Attorney General Ken Paxton, Governor Greg Abbott, Lt Gov Dan Patrick, and Ag Commissioner Sid Miller. He is also endorsed by several former and current State Representatives and local leaders to include County Commissioners and members of Law Enforcement.
Wes is currently the State Representative – elect for HD53 and has been attending the Texas Capitol for 12 years fighting for gun rights and other conservative values. He helped to pass Constitutional Carry in 2021. In the 88th legislative session, as the Texas State Director for GOA, Wes played a critical role in stopping 152 anti-gun bills and passing 6 pro-gun bills.
Wes’s priorities are to lower or eliminate property taxes, deregulate commerce, reduce government spending, and to protect local resources from outside interest. Wes helped deliver a portion of the Trump border wall in 2020 and has strongly advocated to secure the border.
Born and raised in the heart of Texas, He and his wife of 20 years, Sara, live in Brady, TX, and have three boys: Van, Madden, and Kingston.
Wes is a 9th-generation Texan and a 14th-generation American. His relative, Jonathan Lindley, was one of the Immortal 32 Gonzales Rangers that fought and died at the Battle of the Alamo.
For centuries, Wes’ family has shown a passion for freedom, old-fashioned hard work, and taking a stand against tyranny. His 8th great-grandfather fought in the American Revolution, and his grandfather, Wayne Virdell, served in World War 2. Wes’ other grandfather, Mel Whitley, was a leader in boat design for Glastron and designed the SSV hull, the Batman boat, the James Bond Live and Let Die boats, and many other famous boats.
Wes followed his family’s tradition of service and joined the U.S. Air Force in 2001. He reported to Basic Training two months after September 11, 2001. While serving in the U.S. Air Force, he worked on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and served as a Military Training Leader.
In 2008, Wes returned home to join the family business and started his own trucking business as well.
Driven by his belief that if we lose the 2nd Amendment, we will lose all other rights shortly afterward, Wes started attending the Texas Capitol in 2011 to fight for our gun rights and has been active at the Capitol since then. Before being selected as the Texas State Director for Gun Owners of America, Wes served as the Texas Hill Country Coordinator.
Wes’ successful engagement fighting for our freedoms and his love for Texas values led to his political debut in a $3.4M congressional race where he placed third out of ten candidates while spending the least per vote. He was later selected as a 2020 and 2022 State Delegate for the Republican Party of Texas and a 2020 and 2024 National Delegate for the Republican National Convention.
Wes Virdell is a workhorse and an unapologetic conservative. He is committed to preserving our freedom and he will firmly oppose anyone seeking to undermine our way of life. You can count on Wes to stand up for you in the Texas Capitol and anywhere else it is needed.
Wes fights for you, not
corrupt Austin lobbyists or
big-city interests
Your donation today of any amount helps Wes get the word out to voters.
P.O. Box 147
Brady, TX 76825
(757) 828-3737